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Financial Claims

When a couple divorce or separate they have a number of financial claims. This can be a very worrying, uncertain and distressing time for you. Your financial claims need to be properly considered alongside dealing with any issues concerning the divorce and any children.

We are here to provide you with clear advice and a case plan to help you move forward; and to understand your divorce rights and financial claims. The objective is to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Take the first step to a new chapter

Call or email us today for an initial no obligation consultation. 

Can I achieve a financial clean break from my spouse?

The Family Court is under a duty to consider when a full financial clean break can be achieved.

In some cases this is very easy to achieve once the financial assets have been divided. In other cases, it might be more complicated. For example, if the couple can rehouse themselves and fairly divide the assets and pensions, then it is likely that a ‘capital’ clean break can be achieved. However, where there are ongoing spousal maintenance payments, the income claims may remain alive until the spousal maintenance comes to an end.

The purpose of a clean break is to stop a party from bringing a financial claim against you in the future; and so you can move forward with your life.

Case study

We acted for a wife. She explained that she ‘married’ overseas but the actual marriage had not been registered properly. This meant that technically she was not married and therefore had no financial claims even though she had been in a relationship for 30 years. The family home was also in her husband’s sole name and the risk was that she was not entitled to anything. We therefore took steps to register the marriage late with the relevant authority who then confirmed the legal marriage. This meant the wife had full financial claims and was able to obtain a fair settlement through the divorce and rehouse herself and provide for her pension.

Our simple 4-step process

We make International Family Law simple for you and take away as much of the stress and drama as possible. Remember, we’re on your side.

Step 1

Call Maguire Family Law today

Step 2

We’ll assess your situation and advise

Step 3

Let us know you’re happy to proceed

Step 4

We can get started on your case

How can we help you?

We are experts in family law and specialise in divorce and finance cases.

We have a strong track record in achieving negotiated financial settlements for clients and cost effectively. This involves legal expertise, judgment, and strategy particularly as no two cases are the same. We are ranked in Tier 1 of the Legal 500 for 2023 for family law and have a very strong team of divorce lawyers.

It is important that you feel comfortable with your family solicitor; and we always provide professional and sensitive advice. Please click to view our testimonials.

View Profile James Maguire

James Maguire

Managing Director

View Profile Eimear Maguire

Eimear Maguire

Head of Finance and Operations

Financial Claims Solicitors You Can Trust

Maguire Family Law are expert financial claims solicitors. We have extensive experience in securing the best possible financial settlement for our clients in divorce proceedings. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected and your financial future is secured.

Contact us for a no-obligation assessment of your case.

We are rated in Tier 1 of the Legal 500 – a law firm you can trust.

Our friendly team are experts in international family law.

We have an award-winning team of solicitors to help you.

Coercive control divorce experts – as featured on the BBC

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