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This is the financial statement that is used in financial remedy divorce cases. Even when a financial settlement is agreed out of court, Form E is commonly used as a template to produce financial disclosure.
Your divorce solicitor can provide you with a copy of Form E and the first exercise is to work through it, complete the relevant boxes and to start to put together the documents and financial information needed in support.
Once you have done this, your divorce solicitor can help check it over with you. You can then consider what information is outstanding or where more information my help your family law case.
You will then need to sign a Statement of Truth confirming that the contents of the form are true to the best of your knowledge and belief.
The Forms E are then exchanged with your partner, and you have an opportunity to review the financial disclosure and ask questions in writing. If there are Family Court proceedings, then your solicitor will file a copy of your Form E at court.
It is important that you seek legal advice from a family lawyer about your Form E as this can form the basis of your case and could negatively impact on the outcome if not prepared properly. Equally, care is needed when reviewing your partner’s Form E and understanding what relevant questions need to be asked and why.
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Divorce Finances
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Within the actual financial statement, Form E, you will need to set out details your assets, liabilities, income, outgoings and pension provision. In addition, you will need to provide supporting documents such as:
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We are experts on financial cases during a divorce. We can help you with the preparation and finalisation of your Form E. We can also help with reviewing your partner’s Form E and financial disclosure. This is important to consider any relevant outstanding disclosure issues and in turn to look at what financially is at stake in your case. This can then form the foundation to help you negotiate a financial agreement.
Managing Director
Head of Finance and Operations
Maguire Family Law are expert Financial Statement Form E solicitors. We can assist you in completing this crucial document accurately and comprehensively, ensuring your financial position is clearly presented to the court.
Contact us for a no-obligation assessment of your case.
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