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Protect Your Mental Wellbeing During Divorce

divorce solicitor Manchester

This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week, an initiative from the Mental Health Foundation that aims to bring people together to highlight the importance of good mental wellbeing.

Going through a divorce is stressful and it can take its toll emotionally, so it’s a particularly important time in life to prioritise wellbeing. Here, we share four tips for taking care of yourself throughout the process.

1. Surround yourself with a support network

Divorce can feel isolating. Ensuring that you have a support network of friends and family to reach out to is key to avoiding feeling alone in the divorce process. Talking through your situation can provide an outlet for your emotions and prevent them from getting overwhelming. Seeking professional help is also an option, an impartial perspective can help to add clarity and a counsellor or therapist can equip you with the tools to better manage your mental health.

2. Take time for yourself

The theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is ‘movement’, an important factor in maintaining both mental and physical wellbeing. A separation can feel all-encompassing, but it’s important to take the time to do things you enjoy. A simple activity like going for a walk can help to brighten your mood and clear your mind.

3. Focus on the bigger picture

Allow yourself to reflect on where you are now and where you’d like to be. Often, when people are going through a divorce, they are just focused on getting through the process. However, looking beyond this, to life after divorce, can help you to see the bigger picture and encourage you to think about the opportunities that await. Day 1 of your new life as we like to call it at Maguire Family Law.

4. Lean on your lawyer

Seeking legal support helps to take some of the stress out of separation. Your family lawyer can manage the burden of the practical parts of the divorce process, allowing you to focus on dealing with the emotional aspects. Having access to this professional advice will also provide reassurance that everything is being done correctly.

Make sure to do your research and choose a family lawyer who will guide you through the process with compassion and empathy, as well as communicate clearly and without jargon to prevent things from becoming overwhelming. Check out the client testimonials and solictor firm reviews before enagaging.

The divorce process is unique for everyone, and when it comes to wellbeing, everyone is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, seeking support, processing emotions, staying active, and utilising professional guidance are a few ways to help maintain your mental health whilst navigating one of life’s hardest challenges.

For specialist advice on any family law related issue contact Maguire Family Law by email: or telephone:

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