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Powerhouse Perspective

James Maguire

James Maguire recently contributed to Powerhouse Perspective – Insider’s Q&A series on the Northern Powerhouse.

Within this, he discusses what the Northern Powerhouse means to him, if enough has happened since the concept was first introduced, what issues need to be top of the agenda and how the success of the Northern Powerhouse would benefit Maguire Family Law.

“For me, the Northern Powerhouse means that the North has a voice and a platform to share this voice with the Government to effect change. The term ‘powerhouse’ indicates a strong, united North that’s competing with the South, but in reality, I wouldn’t say we’re quite at that stage yet or even on a level playing field. At best we are Northern but simply a series of “houses” across some very important cities and urban centres but seem to lack unity or any “power.”

The Q&A featured in Insider’s Northern Powerhouse newsletter and is available to read on the Insider website.

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