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Knutsford Family Law Launch

divorce expert


Earlier this year, we announced the expansion of our ever growing firm with the opening of a new office in Knutsford. What followed were a series of tweets about unpacking boxes, untangling phone wires and carrying furniture.

Our team worked so hard to make sure that our new office was a success and now, they’ve done just that. With the office now up and running…it’s time to celebrate!

On 9 May, we hosted our official launch party at Lost & Found in Knutsford to celebrate this wonderful achievement. Invitations were sent out not only to our longstanding connections and friends, but also to our new ones within the community of Knutsford, as a way of saying “thank you” for welcoming us into their wonderful town. We were also proud to accommodate the Mayor of Knutsford, Cllr Peter Coan, who generously gave his time to make our event his 251st engagement of his year in office.

The evening commenced with a speech from our very own Managing Director, James Maguire, who introduced the firm and thanked all of our guests for coming. James then opened up the floor to Henry Venables, who heads up the Knutsford office with help from Solicitor, Honor Giles. Henry started by giving his thanks to James and Eimear Maguire for their backing and encouragement with the opening of the Knutsford office.   On a personal note, Henry appreciated James and Eimear’s overall trust in him and remarked that his move to the firm 6 and a half years ago was one of the best professional decisions of his career.

Thanks also went to Honor for her support and positivity in upping sticks and moving from our head office in Wilmslow and also to our Business Support Manger, Katie Anderson, for setting up the office in one month so that they were able to hit the ground running. That was certainly no mean feat!

As with all great parties, guests were provided with delicious canapés, drinks and a glass (or two!) of bubbly to enjoy whilst catching up with old acquaintances or networking with some new ones. Amidst the crowd was also magician Ian Lavin, who puzzled everyone with his fantastic magic tricks and sleight of hand.

And to finish…goody bags for all of our guests filled with Maguire Family Law biscuits, our sponsored Knutsford beer festival glasses, Green and Blacks miniature chocolates, greetings cards featuring exhibits from James’ own photography, a travel sized shoe shiner and a cheeky bottle of prosecco!

We are so thankful to everyone who attended our launch party and look forward to their ongoing support for many years to come. You can find our new office at Preference House, 101 King Street, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6EQ

For advice and support regarding any family law related issue, please contact Henry Venables by email or telephone 01565 648228.

For specialist advice on any family law related issue contact Maguire Family Law by email: or telephone:

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