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James Maguire ranked in top tier for family law in Chambers & Partners 2016

divorce solicitor

We are delighted to hear that James Maguire has been ranked in band 1 of the new Chambers & Partners 2016 directory to the solicitors’ profession for family law in Manchester and surrounding area. Henry Venables in the team is also ranked as an associate to watch.

This also comes on the back of the Legal 500 ranking in September where James was also ranked in band.

Chambers 2106 recommends the firm as follows:

What the team is known for: Well-regarded team that assist clients with a range of family law such as prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, high net worth divorces and child proceedings. Also has significant experience in cases with an international element.

Strengths: (Quotes mainly from clients) “They are all good and knowledgeable solicitors.”

Notable practitioners: “Well-respected” director James Maguire advises clients on an impressive range of domestic and cross-border family law matters, including Children Act proceedings and financial remedy cases. He is commended for his “calming and level-headed” approach. Henry Venables is an associate with notable experience in financial settlements and wealth protection including prenuptial and cohabitation agreements. He comes recommended for his family law expertise and client-centric approach.

On this news James said “We are once again delighted with this year’s rankings. We are dedicated to family law and this recognition, from not just one but two independent sources, demonstrates our commitment to our clients, our service, the successful outcomes; and to the quality of our specialist team”.

Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 are the UK’s leading independent reviews of lawyers. As part of the ranking process researchers seek feedback from both clients and peers, to gauge the performance of firms. Firms are then ‘ranked’ in bands by legal area.

Should you need advice from a specialist family solicitor please telephone: +44 (0)1625 544650 or

For specialist advice on any family law related issue contact Maguire Family Law by email: or telephone:

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