What is D81 Form?
A D81 form is a statement of financial information. It is used to support an application for a consent order or a financial remedy order relating to a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership.
When is a D81 form required?
A divorce itself does not end the financial obligations on couples and unless you obtain a consent order to finalise the finances the other party can bring a financial claim at any point in the future (unless they have remarried in which case they cannot bring any financial claim). The D81 forms part of this final process.
How does a D81 form work?
You can download a D81 form here.
When a judge is asked to approve a consent order the information provided in the D81 allows them a full picture of the relevant circumstances and can therefore assess whether the financial order is fair.
What do I need to complete a D81 form?
- Your income (including any maintenance, benefits, earnings, rental income etc)
- Your assets (savings, properties, businesses, vehicles etc)
- Pension details (you will need the Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) for each pension you hold
- It is advisable to include information about why you have come to the financial split you have decided on so that a judge can agree that it is fair and that you understand what you are agreeing to.
What happens once the D81 form is completed?
If you are represented your family solicitor will draft the forms and once the other party has agreed to the terms all the information will be sent to the court for approval. Please note that this does not guarantee a court will approve the agreement. The court must be satisfied that the agreement is fair based on both sets of circumstances.
You should always seek specialist family law advice to ensure that your future financial position is protected. Our expert family lawyers are available to advise on consent orders and D81 forms.
For specialist advice on any family law related issue contact Maguire Family Law by email: james.maguire@family-law.co.uk or telephone: